About Panchakarma

In Ayurveda every human being is a unique phenomenon of cosmic energy, which manifests itself through the three basic elements or the “Tridosha” – Vata, Pitta & Kapha (resembling with Air, Fire & Water). Each individual's constitution has its own unique balance of these three elements. When this “Doshic” balance is disturbed it leads to unequlibrium in bodily functions & leads to various health disorders and diseases. The inappropriate diet, lifestyle, habits, seasonal changes, repressed emotions and stress factors can all act together or separately to imbalance one’s Doshas.

‘Panch’ literally means five and ‘Karma’ implies purifying & rejuvenating measures. Panchakarma exterminate all toxins from the body, mind & consciousness and thereby restore the constitutional balance, in turn strengthening the immune system and slowing down the aging process
This five fold purification therapy includes:
1.      Vaman  ( Emesis procedure)
2.      Virechan (Purgative Procedure)
3.      Basti (Medicated Enema Therapy)
4.      Nasya (Nasal Insertion Therapy)
5.      Raktamokshana (Blood Letting Therapy)

Other allied beneficial therapies viz. Shirodhara, Pizichil etc. are also used.

Although these therapies have specific indications they can be used in all individuals. These can be used separately or in series. These therapies are treatment tools for diseased ones whereas preventive measures for healthy individuals.

VAMAN (Emesis procedure):
One of the Panchakarma procedures, it is a medicated emesis therapy. It cleanses vitiated Kapha Dosha (acting as toxin) accumulated in the body and decongests the respiratory tract. Daily treatments of Snehana (Internal & external olieation) & Swedana (steam bath) are administered to loosen and mobilize the Kapha Dosha which lasts for 5-7 days. Aptly administered these pre procedures facilitates easy removal of Kapha Dosha, through emesis i.e. Vamana.

It is beneficial in the patients suffering from Kaphaja disorders e.g. Bronchial asthma, skin diseases like vitiligo & psoriasis , chronic allergies,  sinusitis, urticaria, diabetes, obesity,  hyperacidity, chronic indigestion, oedema, psychological disorders  etc.

DURATION: - 7 to10 days (Including pre & post procedures)

VIRECHAN :- (Purgative Procedure)
A medicated purgation therapy, removes vitiated Pitta Dosha (acting as toxin) accumulated in the body. Ayurved believes that there is an intimate relationship between Pitta Dosha & Rakta Dhatu (blood). Virechana, being a therapy for Pitta can be widely used for such life style disorders where blood chemistry is disturbed. Same pre procedures (as in Vamana) are followed for Virechana too.

It is beneficial in the patients suffering from vitiation of Pitta e.g. hyperacidity, jaundice, gastritis, headache, migraine, burning sensation all over body, skin diseases, eye disorders,  chronic fever, diabetes, asthma, herpes, Paraplegia, hemiplegia ,Joint disorders,  chronic  constipation,  oligospermia & gynaecological disorders etc.

DURATION:- 7 to 10 days (Including pre & post procedures)

BASTI (Medicated Enema Therapy)
In Ayurvedic perspective the phenomenon of movement of all bodily organs/ entities(Respiration, circulation peristalsis, transport of nerves impulses ,defecation , urination etc.) are governed by Vata  Dosha only. Thus Basti is considered as the mother of all treatments. It cleanses all of accumulated 3 Doshas, however is usually practised for Vata disorders. Classical pre procedures are followed by administration of decoction of Ayurvedic herbal medicines/medicated oils/medicated milk etc. through anal route, same as in enema.

It is effective in Vata predominant diseases like joint pain, hemiplegia, vertebral disc prolapse,  parkinsonism, sciatica, rheumatoid arthritis hemiplegia, paraplegia, colitis, convalescence, cervical spondylosis, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, digestive disorders, backache & sciatica, hepatomegaly & splenomegaly, obesity, piles, sexual debility & infertility etc.

Duration:- 8 days, 16 days, 30 days

NASYA (Nasal Insertion Therapy)
Administration of medicated oil through the nose, cleanses vitiated Kapha Dosha from the head and neck region. Instead of oil preparations, medicated milk, ghee, herbal powders are recommended as per requirement of patient. According to Ayurvedic discipline medicines administered through nasal route have their direct effect on brain & nervous system. Hence Nasya is very effective & still most simple procedure among these five karma.

It is useful for head, nose, eye and throat related conditions, migraine, cervical spondylitis, sinusitis, paralysis, depression, anxiety, trigeminal neuralgia, Bell's palsy, improves memory & eye sight, insomnia, acne, pre-mature greying of hair, headache , hemiplegia, loss of smell and taste, frozen shoulder, migraine, nasal allergies, nasal polyp, neurological dysfunctions, paraplegia, sinusitis etc.

Duration: -  7 days or more

RAKATMOKSHAN (Blood Letting)
The term ‘Rakta’ stands for blood whereas ‘Mokshan’ means letting. It is a very effective therapy in which carefully controlled removal of small quantities of blood helps to eliminate all toxins accumulated in Rakta / blood. Thereby it is a principal therapeutic measure in all blood borne diseases. Removal of impure blood is done with the help of ‘leach’ (Jalauka) or by different means.

It is useful for skin disorders such as eczema, allergic dermatitis, hypertension, allergies, tonsillitis, sciatica, knee joint diseases, eye disorders, migraine etc.